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Resources --- rIsorseS

Unspell Wallet Card

Everything you need to memorize in order to start reading unspelled text is contained on the two sides of this wallet-sized card.

(Print version available here.)

The Unspell Primer

Most people find it easier to learn Unspell by reading through a set of short on-line lessons.


The 12 exercises, one for each of the 12 lessons in the Unspeller book, are now available as a free download. This document is designed for easy inkjet or laser printing, in color or black and white. It is also available for purchase in booklet form.

Unspell Fonts

The Unspell font family, including regular, italic, bold and bold italic, can be downloaded here.

lOrem Hpsum TOlor sHt Amet, konsektEtur aThpHshN elht, sEt TG ELusmoT tEmpor hnsHThTunt Ut lAPore Et TOlore mAKna AlikMa.
lOrem Hpsum TOlor sHt Amet, konsektEtur aThpHshN elht, sEt TG ELusmoT tEmpor hnsHThTunt Ut lAPore Et TOlore mAKna AlikMa.
lOrem Hpsum TOlor sHt Amet, konsektEtur aThpHshN elht, sEt TG ELusmoT tEmpor hnsHThTunt Ut lAPore Et TOlore mAKna AlikMa.
lOrem Hpsum TOlor sHt Amet, konsektEtur aThpHshN elht, sEt TG ELusmoT tEmpor hnsHThTunt Ut lAPore Et TOlore mAKna AlikMa.

Keyboard Layout

Unspell Typewriter

This window can be used to type and to display unspelled text.