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Few foreign languages are studied as often around the world as English, or with such poor results. Every year, over a billion people worldwide take English classes; barely one out of ten of them learn it to a point where they can read it, write it, or converse in it with any degree of confidence or competence. As for the rest of them, studying English is a complete waste of time. This need not be the case, because English is really quite a simple language—much simpler to learn than, say, Chinese, Russian or Arabic—which is why it's so useful. What makes the task of learning it difficult is just one thing: the way it is written.

English words are not written the way they sound. For some words, their spelling reflects how they sounded hundreds of years ago; for others, it is based on how they sounded in some other, now dead language from which they were borrowed. Fully 60% of English words do not follow any one set of rules or conventions. This makes learning English one of the most memory-intensive tasks that humans regularly engage in, because the number of arbitrary letter-sequence combinations to be memorized runs into the tens of thousands. What this means is that when students study English, much of the time they are not really learning a language, but memorizing arbitrary letter sequences in order to pass exams. And once the exams are over, chances, are, they will forget everything they have learned.

What's worse, this means that it is not possible to learn to speak English simply by reading it, or to learn to read English simply by listening to it. Instead, learning written and spoken English, and tying the two together in one's mind, requires large amounts of class time. In effect, for each English word, students have to memorize how it is written and how it sounds, separately.

Another result of all this is that very few people, from the youngest students to the most respected university professors, speak or write English perfectly. Everybody makes mistakes, all the time! Half the people in English-speaking countries cannot adequately read or write at all, and are constantly at risk of embarrassing themselves in public. What makes this situation even worse is that there is no one correct way to speak English: everybody has an accent. Graduates of Oxford University in England think that their English is perfect, but others think they sound like donkeys and laugh at them.

Unspell is here to help. In Unspell, English words are written the way they sound, and are easily understood, across the world, using a special alphabet that uses strokes, like Chinese characters, or Japanese Kana, or Korean Hangul syllables.

All over the world, millions of people use English to communicate, but few of them speak English as their native language. An obvious question to ask is: "Why must we waste time following obsolete rules laid down by English-speakers centuries ago, especially since these rules no longer work so well for the English-speakers themselves?"

With the help of Unspell, you will be able to accurately pronounce any English word. If your goal is to achieve a good comfort level with conversational English, then there is no reason for you to spend the time memorizing how the words are written in conventional English orthography. The more unspelled English you read, the better your spoken English will become.